Thursday, February 17, 2005

Thanks, Ruth

This morning's Indianapolis Star, on the front page of the City/State section, carried Ruth Holladay's column with the title "Group dreams of community with communal interests".

We appreciate the thoughtful brief on what we're up to, though it's my first memory of ever being described as "bookish-looking." Those who know me might suggest that's better than the truth, but I'll leave that to folks with first-hand knowledge.

Without detracting from Ruth's words, I want to comment on one item.

I am not certain that we can say intentional community is "new to Indiana." If one looks to the "Communities Directory" of the Fellowship for Intentional Community, a number of other entries for Indiana can be found, though none of them are described as we envision Raccoon Creek Community. "Intentional community" is in the eye of the beholder. Further, since listings in the directory are self-entered, there's a fair chance there might be other communities in Indiana that qualify to be included.

And, yes, we're still looking for a barn to move to Raccoon Creek. We have a few leads and a promising chance to find an historic barn nearby, but if you know of a barn that is no longer wanted where it sits, let us know.

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