Monday, May 15, 2006

What a difference a week makes

Our second eight-day class is complete and three of us now hold certificates for the Permaculture Design Course. We're not experts yet, but we have done, as part of the course, a very extensive design for the layout of the Raccoon Creek Community.

The plan includes the location for the community center (barn), the housing areas, one east and one west on the north side of the community property, a new spur on the road to reach the west-side properties, new pond sites which will store water yet not disturb the existing wetland, orchards sited along contour lines south of the comunity center, multiple garden sites, signage locations and much, much more.

The plan includes a modern version of chinampas on a new pond, not on man-made islands as most of the Aztec chinampas were, but as fingers into the pond. One exciting revelation from defeloping the plan is the potential to water many of the gardens and most of the orchards using gravity and pond water.

I will post some sketches of the class project soon.

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