Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wire-less article

Today's Indianapolis Star had an Associated Press article titled "Modern pioneers go "wire-less". It does a pretty good job of describing part of what we want to do at Raccoon Creek. A few excerpts:
  • Just because [they] live 2 1/2 miles from the nearest power line doesn't mean they have to live by candlelight and take cold showers.
  • The inside ... looks like it's out of a home design magazine - not what you might imagine for a home off the grid.
  • "... there's a misconception that you have to have this solar-looking house or live this crazy lifestyle."
We're not 2 1/2 miles away from a power line, but the value of producing some of our own electricity is no less important. If these people, and, as the article notes, an estimated 1,000 others can be off the grid in Maine, we should be able to do as well in Indiana.

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